What You Feel. Pure Freedom

18 July 2005

I pose the core question again...

What do you feel: right now/ most day/ generally? (hey! how about a bombing in london?!)

10 July 2005


Listen all!! i have in my possession, a 1950 Rickenbacker 300 Electric guitar, with a case. It is in pretty good condition. I'm taking offers. Holla!

what do you feel about: Falling in love?

...particularly in the summer. it's not to say that i am experiencing this....phenomenon, just a thought. now the next question is, is it a feeling? because.....i have reason to believe that those couples that have stayed together for many, many years wouldn't describe what they feel as being "in love". they love eachother yeah, but that is more a state of being; they would sooner die for eachother than romance eachother. do i make sense? anyway! i may or may not be, not too sure which way i'm swinging here, but i may be in luv (urrrggghhh!), and i say that VERY VERY reluctantly. in fact, i'm just tired and restless right now, so that is probably what it is.
To conclude: Falling in love anybody? put it down the way you understand. Peace.