Anyone who comes out with such a cocky, narcissistic name as 'Musiq', and ambitious in a hiphop-dominated world as 'Soulchild', is either everything the industry's needed since Stevie Wonder, or another Nathan James or Terri Walker needing to do what her surname suggests. This man is being realistic, not deluded when he calls himself that. Comes out the box and shows the world that he is the 21st century godfather of soul/neo-soul, and i dare you to dispute that!!
I wonder if when Musiq listens to his music, he feels how i feel about it. do tunes like 'Seventeen', 'Mary Go Round', In yo eyes (dont know title), send chills up his spine? number 9 (momentinlife)and ten (thereason) on Soulstar- whoo! banging tunes! perhaps unparralled in this generation.
#everything is co-ol, when love is all brand new, coz ur learning me and im learning u-oo'- does he sit back and just marvel at his brilliance?
then there's 'Love', a modern day classic; off the top of my head, i would put that in my top 100 songs of all time. numbers 7-9 especially, on 'Juslisten': some music-defining songs. Dude are you for real?!
So in essence, im just taking this time to salute Musiq Soulchild.