Now, let me make it clear that i dont quite understand why the black race feels the need to make itself conspicuous in this way- anyone care to enlighten me?
Tonight's question is:
What would you exclusively attribute to the Black Race?
something that is universal, but prominently of black origin. and i dont wanna see nobody say Hip Hop!
well........Black history month is a good idea in a way........but i feel as a black person i dnt need one month to tel me how special i am or to rember all those black man and women who fought for us eg malcom x, martin luther king,.nelson m.........the list istoo long ......., we can do tht every other day................and i feel we havent won the struggle yet we are still considered as second class citizen..........an inferior race....................dnt think things wil change any time soon so itz up to us black people to represent our selves in a good way........remember you earn yr respect......
hey....juss noticed i went off topic ..............to be honest i did nt read the q's i juss read the 1st bit of black history month ..........juss expressed my self.........
have to think abt the question............so i get bak @ yu
just a way for black people to be heard some more-whether all thats needed for progression is for us to just sit back n be quiet is the question...
instead of black history month why not teach black history in schools, PROPERLY, not just "black ppl were shipped from Africa helped build most of western civilisation then were eventually set free..." nah mate- details are left out! i still dont think i could tell u the wat the real deal is bout Malcom X etc or even Nelson Mandela for that matter. mtv base's little snippits promt me to REMEMBER and find out the truth...so i guess it is a good idea in some respects...
Are the other 11 months 'white history months'? Now that's what I call racism!!
You are right, Sir: it's just another artificial Leftist ploy for appeasing their own burning consciences. In the name of "Civil Rights" they have instead intentionally ruined the "Black Community" by funneling billions of dollars of welfare for 4 decades straight, thus creating 2+ generations who (a) are mired in poverty and (b)demand the dole as their birthright.
Just look at what happened in New Orleans: that's the outcome of that Leftist policy. And also, read AN AMERICAN STORY by Deborah Dickinson (a Black gal who grew up in the slums of St. Louis). She tells it like it is.
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